When dealing with experimental materials, such as algae and other bioplastics, conservators must consider the benefits of display with potentially unexpected outcomes.
To celebrate and promote the publishing of the Symbol Sourcebook in 1972, an exhibition of symbols was staged in New York City.
What are ornament prints and how did Cooper Hewitt come to own the premier collection of such works in the United States?
As with any published book, Henry Dreyfuss confronts errors in his symbols masterpiece.
Henry Dreyfuss and Leo Burnett—major influences in 20th-century design—assessed the creative, practical, and financial implications of the project.
Object conservators discuss how to repair chips in gilded porcelain
In soliciting information about symbols from people and organizations around the globe, Henry Dreyfuss sent out two articles that expressed his vision for symbols' potential to transcend written or spoken language.
While researching for the Symbol Sourcebook, Henry Dreyfuss was reminded of an important set of symbols from earlier in the 20th century.
Henry Dreyfuss worked to get the Symbol Sourcebook promoted on the pages of the magazine to an unexpected result.