
Image features a cube made up of eight smaller, gridded cubes that display color gradients. Please scroll down to read the blog post about this object.
Aesthetics of the Color Plotter
To celebrate the opening of Saturated: The Allure and Science of Color (May 11, 2018-January 13, 2019), Object of the Day this month will feature colorful objects from the exhibition. Today’s post was originally published on October 29th, 2016.    A cube split into eight floating blocks, situated in isometric perspective. Each block comprised of 49...
Bill’s Design Talks: Graphic Design—Now in Production
Find out how designers today are rethinking the aesthetics, process, and public of graphic design by creating their own software and systems. Join Cooper-Hewitt's Curatorial Director, Cara McCarty, Walker Art Center Curator, Andrew Blauvelt, and interaction designer, Dimitri Nieuwenhuizen, in a lively discussion. Dimitri is a member of Lust, the innovative Dutch design collective that...
Monday Enhancement: The Artvertiser
The Artvertiser is a software platform that replaces billboard advertisements with art in real-time. It works by teaching computers to recognize individual advertisements so they can be easily replaced with alternative content, like images and video. A user must hold special Artvertiser goggles up to an advertisement to see artwork appear as a superimposed layer...
BEES Online: Tools for Evaluating Green Building Materials
For those concerned with the impact and lifecycle of construction materials, BEES is a new design tool that helps designers and consumers make informed decisions. Construction and manufacturing have a significant effect on the environment. Cooper-Hewitt’s Exhibitions department specifies, purchases, and uses many materials in our exhibits. We strive to be as environmentally sensitive as...
Tangible Tuesdays : Beat Blender
Matti Niinimaki’s Beat Blender is a device that puts a literal spin on familiar musical terminology. The modified blender allows the user to mix, blend, and chop sounds through a playful tactile interface that uses Arduino, RFID sensors, felted fruits and Ableton Live software. Watch the video below to see it in action! Select your...
Alberto Alessi Meets an Old Friend
  We’re thrilled that Alberto Alessi will be giving a presentation at the Museum on Monday (22nd) evening! He is the ultimate mediator between designs that can succeed commercially as well as expressing artistic values. What’s more he is an engaging presenter with an impish sense of humor.   I was at the opening of...
Graphic Design as Consumer Product
One of the themes looked at in the Triennial is the rise of graphic design as a consumer product. It used to be that graphic design was strictly a business-to-business service. Now, everyday citizens have access to professional quality software, fonts, printing services, and more. It’s a whole new world out there. One example of...
Process This!
On March 8, Ben Fry offered a hands-on workshop at Cooper-Hewitt devoted to Processing, the open-source visual design software that he co-authored. For more information, visit our calendar. The Processing workshop is part of our “Tech on Your Terms” series, which invites the public to come to the museum and try out various design technologies....
Design 2.0
The phrase “Web 2.0” refers to the rise of social media over the past four or five years, in which users post their own content as well as shaping the way existing content is viewed through commenting, voting, rating, tagging, and other forms of interaction. Blogging is a big part of this. Most people are...