
Jell-O’s Big Adventure
The Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Eyebeam Art + Technology Center and Smart Design have teamed up to take Jell-O on a whirlwind tour through New York City with a Jell-O Mold Workshop for high school students interested in food, design, and technology! NYC high school youth teamed up with leading product designers and industrial designers...
Cooper-Hewitt: Summer Design Institute 2008 – Design as a Process of Learning
Sandy Speicher, Practice Lead, Transformation, of IDEO leads a discussion of the different applications of the design process, and the knowledge, skills, and mindsets developed along the way.
Cooper-Hewitt: Summer Design Institute 2008 – Design Challenge Workshop
Educators who participated in the 2008 Summer Design Institute are lead through the design process by Sandy Speicher, Practice Lead, Transformation, of IDEO to answer the question, “how might we improve the getting to work experience?”
Bring Graphic Design to the Classroom: Workshop with Ellen Lupton
Join Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum for a presentation and discussion on teaching graphic design with Ellen Lupton, Curator of Contemporary Design, graphic designer, educator, and author of several books on design including D.I.Y.: Design it Yourself, and D.I.Y. Kids. The presentation will offer strategies for explaining and teaching graphic design principles and ways to move...
DesignPrep: Makerbot Workshops
Cooper-Hewitt is launching a series of FREE workshops for NYC teens on building, programming, and prototyping with the Makerbot 3D printer. Participants will learn how to assemble, program, and print their designs on the Makerbot 3-D printer. They’ll learn about hardware, software, and 3D modeling software like Google Sketchup and Blender. This is a huge...
Design for Play
"Rationale and reflections on teaching science through play- an informal, affective, qualitative and somewhat playful case study" by Scott Henstrand. Scott, a Physics teacher at Brooklyn High School for Collaborative Studies, is working alongside the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum to intertwine science and design. On Saturday, March 5 the Museum hosted a workshop led by...
School Lead
A multitude of schools are at the forefront of devising low cost innovations around the world, these are only a few of the examples of initiatives and projects underway. Designmatters at Art Center College of Design develops a multi-component design solution for a mobile clinic in Kenya. A camel-packaging system improves efficiency, refrigeration units are...
Process This!
On March 8, Ben Fry offered a hands-on workshop at Cooper-Hewitt devoted to Processing, the open-source visual design software that he co-authored. For more information, visit our calendar. The Processing workshop is part of our “Tech on Your Terms” series, which invites the public to come to the museum and try out various design technologies....