Announcing “Game Changers,” a new series of design conversations with influential and innovative practitioners, thinkers, and industry leaders across design disciplines. The series launches on April 21, with a conversation between Cooper Hewitt Senior Curator of Contemporary Design Ellen Lupton and game changer Tim Brown, the CEO and President of IDEO, a world-renowned innovation and...
Bruce Nussbaum, Assistant Managing Editor of BusinessWeek leads business luminaries including Tim Brown, Chief Executive Officer of IDEO, Claudia Kotchka, Vice President, Design Innovation and Strategy, Procter & Gamble, and Gael Towey, Chief Creative Officer of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia as they discuss the importance of design to business.
Gary Hustwit’s latest film, Objectified is playing at the IFC downtown for a limited run. Hustwit himself is seemingly traveling along with the film to nearly fifty venues between now and mid-summer, so both he and the film are likely coming to a venue near you if you happen not to be in New York....