Design and Process: Public Art Installations in Context | Design Talk
2020 Times Square Valentine Heart Design Competition winning design by Phu Hoang and Rachely Rotem of MODU and Eric Forman of Eric Forman Studio.
2020 Times Square Valentine Heart Design Competition winning design by Phu Hoang and Rachely Rotem of MODU and Eric Forman of Eric Forman Studio.
Public art installations humanize the built environment. How are those installations conceived and selected? What is the process for the designers, and how do public installations fit into their overall practice? What civic value does this type of work bring to a shared landscape?
Designers Phu Hoang and Rachely Rotem of MODU and Eric Forman of Eric Forman Studio, winners of the 2020 Valentine Heart Design Competition organized by Times Square Arts, discuss their work recently installed in the heart of Times Square. The talk probes public art installations as part of a broader design practice and their importance in civic spaces. Andrea Lipps, Associate Curator of Contemporary Design at Cooper Hewitt and the 2020 competition curator moderates.