Lifetime Achievement

Dan Kiley
In a professional career spanning more than 60 years, Dan Kiley has been acclaimed as the “dean” of American landscape architecture. He has worked with the great 20th-century architects (including Eero Saarinen, I.M. Pei, and Frank Gehry) on some of this country’s most important commissions, combining a refinement of eye and hand with an uncomplicated understanding of his place in “the natural order of things.” Kiley’s designs have been widely cited for their ability to raise public consciousness and enhance awareness of humankind’s relationship to nature, while maintaining a sense of excitement. Some of his best-known works include New York’s Lincoln Center, the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston, the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., the New York Botanical Gardens, Dallas Art Museum, Fountain Place in Dallas, Rockefeller University in New York, and the Oakland Museum in California.