Title: The Architect, builder and woodworker.

Publisher: New York [etc.] C.D. Lakey [etc.] 1868-

Smithsonian Libraries Reference Number: NA1. A43 CHMRU

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Builder and Wood-Worker Masthead. Vol. 18, no.2 Feb, 1882. NA1. A43 CHMRU

The Cooper Hewitt Library collects a variety of trade periodicals, especially those dealing with architecture and the building trades. The Architect, builder and woodworker is a practical journal meant for architects, cabinet makers, stair builders, carpenters, car builders or anyone with the skill and interest in designing a home or other building. Our holdings start with issues ranging from 1875 and run through 1895. Architecture as a profession was just emerging; master builders, draftsmen, and craftsmen created structures and the features and furnishings in them.

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Builder and Woodworker. “How to decorate a room with simple lines” Vol. 18, no 1. Jan, 1882. Plate 11. NA1. A43 CHMRU

The variety of articles and information for building practitioners is reflected by the many title changes throughout this publication’s history. Illustrated in fine detail, each issue features numerous products and services advertisements, articles on architectural interiors, ornament, and house plans with architectural elevations; floor plans of architects from various cities throughout the U.S.

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Builder and Woodworker. Drawing room furniture in “Anglo-Japanese style”. Vol. 18, no. 1. Jan, 1882. NA1. A43 CHMRU   Plate 6.

Included are drawings of furniture designs by well know designers promoting stylistic movements fashionable at the time. This is a resource guide; the contents document the uses of new tools, building materials and furnishings, and where to buy them. Modern building features like elevators, new plumbing and heating systems are described and advertised by the companies making them. The magazine made information and images of new ideas and products available to subscribers nationwide.

This post was written by Elizabeth Broman a Reference Librarian at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Library.

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