Founded in 1837, Tiffany & Co. by the late 19th century had become one of the leading manufacturers and retailers in America of fine jewelry and luxury items. This small catalog lists items on display from Tiffany & Co. in the Manufacturers and Liberal Arts Building at the Chicago’s World’s Columbian Exposition in 1893. The beautifully decorated embossed silver coated cover contains medieval inspired patterns and two crowned figures. It is the contents, however, that is the real treasure trove of this book that contains detailed information on hundreds of items produced by the firm at this time. After a short note on diamond cutting and polishing and a list of Tiffany awards at past fairs, the catalog is divided into the 11 subject areas of the exhibition including Jewelry, Gold Fancy Articles, Silver Ware, Silver-plated Ware, Stationery, Heraldic Work and Metals and Alloys.

Pages listing descriptions of card cases and chatelaines.
Additional subject divisions are found within each of these main display areas. Lists of items, each with brief descriptions, in the Gold Fancy Articles the categories include penholders, pocket books, fans, match boxes, mirrors, belts, boxes, canes, card cases, chatelaine bags, smelling bottles, snuff boxes, umbrellas, and whips. A valuable reference source.
Stephen Van Dyk, Head Art Department, Smithsonian Libraries
Objects by Tiffany & Co. are currently on view in Passion for the Exotic: Louis Comfort Tiffany and Lockwood de Forest
Exhibition Catalog. Catalogue of Tiffany & Co’s Exhibit, Manufactured and Liberal Arts Building World Columbian Exposition Chicago, 1893. New York: Tiffany and Company, 1893. Smithsonian Libraries. NK512.C4W92 1893
One thought on “Tiffany & Co. at the Chicago Fair”
Ware on June 25, 2021 at 12:50 pm
Would be nice to see the primavera and brass inlaid furniture also.