Gilbert Rohde and Design Now – pt.2 of 3

Pioneering and little known furniture designer, Gilbert Rohde (1894 1944), specialized in designing clean, modern pieces appropriate for any room in the house, and his advanced merchandising techniques with Herman Miller laid the groundwork for future designers including George Nelson and Charles and Ray Eames.
In this panel we bring together Phyllis Ross, author of Gilbert Rohde: Modern Design for Modern Living and two contemporary designers, Ayse Birsel (Birsel + Seck) and Pablo Castro (OBRA Architects) who are creating interior and furniture work that Rohde would recognize and appreciate for its innovation, flexibility, and potential to improve the quality of life through good design. Following the design presentations, in a discussion moderated by author and design historian Russel Flinchum, the panelists will discuss the legacy of Gilbert Rohde as it relates to their design practice. Advance copies of Gilbert Rohde: Modern Design for Modern Living (Yale University Press, February 2009) will be available for purchase and signing.