Description of Babajob, a mobile and web based program aimed at connecting employers with job seekers in India.
2011. Editor: Bas Hoefman. Courtesy of Text to Change. Text to Change partners with national governments, United Nations agencies, mobile-communication providers, for-profit companies, and NGOs to design free, accessible health, education, economic-development, and transparency programs that aim to effect change through customized information and services.
This is the third in a series of posts about my new book, Designing Media Paul Saffo, July 2008 I put the interview with Paul Saffo at the beginning of the book because he gives such an erudite overview of the changes in media and the challenges faced by the people involved its creation and...
2008. Designer/editor: frog. Courtesy of frog. South Africa has more HIV-positive citizens than any country in the world. Project Masiluleke (meaning "hope" and "warm counsel" in Zulu) uses mobile technology to raise awareness, encourage testing, and guide people into care.
The first solar powered StarSight virtual utility poles were installed in Istanbul, Turkey four months ago. The poles will provide a communication and emergency network in case of a large disaster (such as an earthquake) with a full Wi-Fi CCTV network attached to a lamppost. The first five poles include internet access, one mobile unit...