
What’s Your Footprint?
This Friday, April 22, is Earth Day. On April 20, 1970, the first Earth day celebration was launched. It sparked a momentum credited with launching the modern environmental movement and the creation of many environmental laws, such as the landmark Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts. Currently, Earth Day involves over one billion...
The Product Nutrition Label Revealed: Q+A with Joe Gebbia
Over the next two weeks on the Cooper-Hewitt Design Blog, students from an interdisciplinary graduate-level course on the Triennial taught by the Triennial curatorial team blog their impressions and inspirations of the current exhibition,‘Why Design Now?’.   Joe Gebbia is a San Francisco-based industrial designer and self-described “designtrepreneur,” as well as founding partner of the...
Goodbye Parking Meter, Hello NYC Hoop
Over the next two weeks on the Cooper-Hewitt Design Blog, students from an interdisciplinary graduate-level course on the Triennial taught by the Triennial curatorial team blog their impressions and inspirations of the current exhibition,'Why Design Now?' Janette Sadik-Khan, New York’s Transportation Commissioner, has transformed the city’s streetscape—ostensibly a change that directly impacts every resident and...
Goodbye Parking Meter, Hello NYC Hoop
Over the next two weeks on the Cooper-Hewitt Design Blog, students from an interdisciplinary graduate-level course on the Triennial taught by the Triennial curatorial team blog their impressions and inspirations of the current exhibition,‘Why Design Now?’. Janette Sadik-Khan, New York’s Transportation Commissioner, has transformed the city’s streetscape—ostensibly a change that directly impacts every resident and...