
Image features turquoise colored book enclosure with straight sides and arched top; the title, "Corona De Rosas" above "Maria de Los Angeles" and "Purgatory Pie Press", all printed in black ink. Enclosure bound with a red ribbon. Please scroll down to read the blog post about this object.
Corona de Rosas
In celebration of Women’s History Month, March Object of the Day posts highlight women designers in the collection. A recent acquisition in our library collection is the beautifully rendered artist book, Corona de Rosas (Crown of Roses), with illustrations of women in beautiful colorful flowered dresses. A collaborative work by artist Maria de los Angeles, and Esther...
The King Will See You Now…
The appartements in eighteenth-century interiors were organized hierarchically to differentiate between ceremonial, social, and private spaces. This hierarchy was reinforced through increasingly elaborate decoration as the designation for spaces grew more public. With this in mind, the decoration adorning the paneling, or boiserie, would have made guests aware of the types of social interactions which...