
Image shows multi-panel scenic wallpaper of alpine scene, in sequence left to right. a) Nine cows before two huts. Large waterfall; b) Five cows before stone-based hut; c) Ten cows crossing bridge over waterfall, large single rock above cows; d) River landscape with distant valley. Six spruce trees in foreground, with berries and blossoms in immediate foreground; e) Clearing with single tree. Two goats, f) Rocky landscape with cap-like peak on horizon. Single thin tree in upper third of panel. Please scroll down to read the blog post about this object.
Landscape Escape
Wall-hangings throughout the centuries have come in a variety of forms and materials, tapping upon subject matter that is just as diverse. During the late 1700’s and early 1800’s scenic wallpapers came into production and swept through Europe, most notably in their place of origin, France. They are thought to have been created in a...