Author: Tanya Piacentini

Undulating single panel seat starting from a back-curved head rest and descending on an angled plane to the bottom of spine before heading up to bend at the knee area and descending slightly at calf length, all supported between two curvilinear arms, descending to a cross bar and continuing to form back legs, connecting at the cross brace to seat supports of trapezoidal shape.
Bending for the Brits
The Hungarian-born Marcel Breuer is perhaps best known for his tubular steel B3 (‘Wassily’) and B32 (‘Cesca’) chairs, which he designed while leading the carpentry workshop at the Bauhaus, after it moved from Weimar to Dessau, Germany, in 1925.  Legend has it his experiments with tubular steel were inspired by his bicycle. Breuer, who was...
Green painted wooden frame with metal wires, modeled after the Rialto Bridge. Intricate wire scrollwork; four doors; two feed cups; hinged panel at either end for removal of trays (trays missing).
Birds of a Feather Collect Together
Every year the fun-loving Hewitt family toured Europe, where they purchased books, prints, textiles, and objects for their budding collections. This photograph shows the Hewitt sisters, Sarah, Amy, and Eleanor, on a gondola in Venice in the 1880s. Perhaps the inspiration for this birdcage, the Rialto Bridge, is just behind them. The oldest bridge to span the...