Michael Bierut
Michael Bierut, a partner at the New York design firm Pentagram, has produced an extraordinary body of critical writing and graphic design. Bierut’s ability to articulate and deconstruct the design process has raised the consciousness of an entire field and sparked a national dialogue. A Senior Critic in the graphic-design program at the Yale University School of Art, he is also the coeditor of the Looking Closer: Critical Writings on Graphic Design book series (Allworth Press) and a cofounder of DesignObserver.com, a widely read blog focused on design and culture. His clients have included the New York Times, Saks Fifth Avenue, the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Harley-Davidson, Princeton University, the Walt Disney Company, and the New York Jets. His most recent book, Seventy-nine Short Essays on Design, was published by Princeton Architectural Press in 2007.