Yesterday I attended the kick-off event for Pioneers of Change, a festival of modern Dutch design, fashion, and architecture that is currently underway on Governor’s Island. Presented to celebrate the 400-year history of Dutch-American friendship, Pioneers of Change features installations by a number of leading Dutch designers in eleven former Officers’ houses at Nolan Park...
I had the pleasure of meeting recently with Ton Vriens, a Dutch documentary filmmaker and journalist who, through his foundation Turtle Tree, is working with women in Haiti to develop a felt-making co-operative, with the goal of achieving economic and social independence for the members of the self-governed group. Haiti is one of the poorest...
1. I was delighted to see that Lerival – Furniture by Architects is carrying Morehead & Morehead’s brilliant Felt Stool (1). This is currently produced in synthetic automotive felt, which is the only reason I didn’t include it in Fashioning Felt. Otherwise its simple folded form says, in brief, everything I love about felt. ...
This program brings together two designers featured in Fashioning Felt who approach incorporating felt into architectural use from different starting places but with beautiful and unexpected endings. Both designers collaborate with architects to create decorative and functional felt interventions. Kathryn Walter works primarily with industrial felt while Claudy Jongstra uses raw wool and natural dyes....
Filmed by Chrtstine Martens. Made with the support of the Asian Cultural Council Fashioning Felt presents an extraordinary range of felt. From two-dimensional carpets to three-dimensional environments, each work reveals the virtuosity of both the material and the designers. The exhibition and book focus on felt that has been produced by traditional hand- or machine-felting...
Making the Palace Yurt felts at the studio of JA Felt Centralia, Washington, 2008. Fllmed by Paul Moore. Courtesy of JA Felt.
Making the Palace Yurt felts at the studio of JA Felt Centralia, Washington, 2008. Fllmed by Paul Moore. Courtesy of JA Felt Fashioning Felt presents an extraordinary range of felt. From two-dimensional carpets to three-dimensional environments, each work reveals the virtuosity of both the material and the designers. The exhibition and book focus on felt...
During a visit to Cooper-Hewitt about a year and a half ago, West-coast felt-maker Janice Arnold was intrigued by the form of the museum’s conservatory. Its domed roof and iron mullions resemble the radiating struts of the framework of a yurt—the circular tent dwelling of the nomadic tribes who first created felt. Next week, Arnold...
Fashioning Felt on view Mar 6 through Sept 7, 2009 at Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. This exhibition explores the varied new uses of felt in a range of fields, including product design, fashion, architecture, and home furnishings.