James Carpenter Design Associates opened their studio doors to Cooper-Hewitt Members on October 6. Members were captivated by the ‘show and tell’ of prismatic effects of transmitted and reflected light. JCDA seeks to bring light into our lives in a way we recognize, translating its abundance or rareness, and always its richness. Masters of...
On September 24, Design Watch Members were treated to a rare look into the Richard Meier & Partners Model Gallery in Long Island City, overlooking the Pepsi-Cola sign and the East River. A mammoth model of The Getty Center greeted viewers: made of basswood and birch, the 25’ x 25’ model rested on 16...
Cooper-Hewitt’s Design Watch Members visited Steelcase for a private tour of the showroom and sunset reception on the terrace overlooking Columbus Circle. Lew Epstein presented the trends behind media:space, the convergence of furniture and technology, changing the way we think of work spaces as collaborative “destinations”. Members also previewed the Cobi chair, featured in the...
Ted Muehling Expounds Ted hosted a group of Cooper-Hewitt members at his studio and store in SoHo this week, as you can see from the Monday at Muehling’s post, giving them a peek at his wonderfully creative environment full of glass, emotive sculpture and creatures from the natural world. He is also the guest curator...
Ted Muehling, curator of Ted Muehling Selects: Lobmeyr Glass from the Permanent Collection invited Cooper-Hewitt’s Design Watch Members to his SoHo showroom for a private behind-the-scenes visit. On this rainy Monday, Members passed the noisy construction on Howard Street, left their umbrellas by the door, and retreated into a haven of design. As Members sipped...
View from Central Park Yes, I’m starting to feel at home at the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, having started work here this week. On the first day Angela Hall, who looks after everyone’s well being here, gave me a complete tour of the place. She introduced me to more than sixty people and showed me...
2010 was a year to remember for Cooper-Hewitt Members. Check out the 10 Membership Moments in 2010 slideshow below. Around town, Cooper-Hewitt Members were among the first to access fairs—from historic to contemporary design—New York Auto Show, ICFF, International Fine Art & Antiques Dealers Show, and IFPDA Print Fair. Throughout the year, Members took a...