James Ludwig

2011 Business of Design: Designers and Engineers
2011 Business of Design: James Ludwig – Designing the product is not enough
2011 Business of Design: James Ludwig – Design is a full contact sport
2011 Business of Design: James Ludwig – Design and synthesis
2011 Business of Design: James Ludwig – Bringing Designers and engineers together
2011 Business of Design: James Ludwig – Creating a space for design
2011 Business of Design: James Ludwig – Design is more than looks
2011 Business of Design: James Ludwig – Contraints define design
The Business of Design 2007
Business leaders discuss how green design impacts their overall strategy and affects their bottom line. The panel is moderated by Sarah Murray of the Financial Times and panelists include James Ludwig of Steelcase, John Righini of General Electric, and Sven Shiers of Patagonia. This event took place during National Design Week, October 14-20, 2007.