Antony Little

Image shows wallpaper with large-scale green carnations against a bright orange background. Please scroll down for more information on this design.
Wilde Wall
To celebrate the opening of Saturated: The Allure and Science of Color, Object of the Day this month will feature colorful objects from the exhibition.  This vividly striking sidewall was created by Osborne & Little, a leading name in British fabric and wallpaper designs. Founded in 1968 by Sir Peter Osborne, the 17th Baronet of Ballentaylor,...
Chinese Dragons
This wallpaper was one of the first produced by British wallpaper company Osborne and Little, founded in 1968 by designer Antony Little and businessman Sir Peter Osborne. The company was one of several that arose in the 1960s that promoted themselves as a source for unusual wallpaper patterns. Osborne and Little produced their designs in...